In September I entered my very first national photography awards (APPAS). Not only did I enter, I also flew to Sydney and spent three days at Luna Park with my girlfriend Kylie watching our awards be judged! It was an amazing experience but I have never been so nervous. I had put months of hard work into my images, perfecting them over and over again. When you walk into the judging room there’s a display of recently judged photographs, it was so inspiring to see the talent from some of Australia’s best know photographers.

All prints are scored out of 100 – Gold Distinction is 95-100, Gold is 90-94, Silver Distinction is 85-89, and Silver is 80-84. I am really proud that in my first ever year of entering, I was awarded a Silver Distinction and a Silver award.

This year I will be chasing the Gold!! Wish me luck!

Thank you for everyone that helped me along the way and for the gorgeous models in my photographs. x